Author of Teen Paranormal Fiction

Month: December 2015

Q4S Part 5: To the eBook and Beyond!

In this post, we’ll finally realize our dreams: we’re publishing! There’s a light at the end of that self-publishing tunnel, and it’s not a freight train. That nasty exercise to create the eBook itself is far behind us and the final journey in the adventure of self-publishing is before us. Through all the blood, sweat, and tears, we’ve prepared ourselves for this moment. And it will be wondrous.

I see the light!

I see the light!


  1. An Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account.
  2. A CreateSpace account with a completed book.
  3. Your completed EPUB from the last post (or you can use the Interior File you created for the CreateSpace parts 1 and part 2).
  4. Electronic Book ISBN (must be different from the ISBN you used in CreateSpace).

So, are you ready to become a published author? Take a deep breath, cuz here we go!

Transfer from CreateSpace to Amazon KDP

  1. From your CreateSpace project, click on the Publish on Kindle option.

    Publish on Kindle

    Publish on Kindle

  2. You will be taken to an “are you sure?” type of page. Click on I want to publish my book on Kindle.

    I want to publish my book on Kindle

    I want to publish my book on Kindle

  3. If you want to upload your EPUB, choose to upload a separate file. If you’re using your CreateSpace file and not your EPUB file, choose the Transfer and Convert option. Click Continue.

    the Upload EPUB option

    the Upload EPUB option

  4. Choose the publishing rights and DRM that applies to you. In most cases, choose “This is not a public domain work” as you should be publishing your own works at this point in time. The only time you would choose a public domain work is if the original author is deceased and you have rights to publishing/republishing their work(s). Here you can also choose your DRM option – DRM helps protect your book from pirating and illegal distribution. After you have chosen your options, click Submit my files to KDP.

    Establishing DRM rights

    Establishing DRM rights

  5. You will be taken to Amazon’s KDP site. Sign in to your KDP account. In most cases, the KDP login information is the same as your Amazon login information.

    Sign in to KDP

    Sign in to KDP

  6. If your files make it in, congratulations! You’re one of the lucky ones. This rarely works for me. So if you run into the the most uninformative of errors, just click “OK.” We’ll fix things up.

    Thanks. Real informative there, Amazon.

    Thanks. Real informative there, Amazon.

Welcome to KDP!

Okily dokily! We’re ready to push the button! There’s just some final clean up and configuration we need to set up before we’re officially an author. Let’s get started!

  1. Once KDP loads, check that the book title and author info has come over, then click on “Continue setup”.

    Continue Setup

    Continue Setup

  2. Dismiss the “What to do next” box to continue.

    What to do next? Publish!

    What to do next? Publish!

  3. Next comes the Kindle Select option. A word of warning about Kindle Select – yes, the royalty structure is awesome, but you’re locked in to KDP as your only distribution channel for 3 months. So choose carefully and read the fine print. You can opt in at anytime, but you’re locked in for 90 days once you do opt in. If you’re found selling your book anywhere else, KDP kicks you out of the Select program and may put a hold on your ability to offer your book on Amazon.

    Read carefully!

    Read carefully!

  4. Scrolling down the page, check over your book details. The things I found I had to watch out for were:
    1. Line breaks on the Description field. Correct this if your text is not organized properly.
    2. Enter your ISBN number for the eBook (do not use the ISBN you used for CreateSpace as you must have a separate ISBN for the physical and the electronic versions of the book.
Double-check your book info

Double-check your book info

  1. Choose the two categories that best describe your book.Click “Save” to move on to the next step.

    Book Categories

    Book Categories

  2. Upload the EPUB we created in the previous post.

    Upload EPUB

    Upload EPUB

  3. Review any spelling mistakes and preview the book to make sure you’ve uploaded the correct EPUB. If all is good, return to your book home and click the Save and Continue button.

    Save and Continue

    Save and Continue

  4. Verify Your Publishing Territory. If you own the ISBN (you purchased your number from an ISBN agency and not CreateSpace), your territory is Worldwide. Otherwise, you may have to do some research as to which countries and territories you’re allowed to publish in.

    Publishing Territories

    Publishing Territories

  5.  Select your desired Royalty option and set the book’s base price. Leave all other territories checked to “Set price automatically”, that way your book stays priced appropriately as exchange rates vary.

    Royalties and Pricing

    Royalties and Pricing

  6. Keep in mind that some territories require you to enrol in Kindle Select to achieve the 70% Royalty. Make your own decision on this, but keep in mind if you enrol in Kindle Select, you can only sell your book on Amazon and CreateSpace, and no other outlet.

    Kindle Select pricing

    Kindle Select pricing

  7. Kindle MatchBook & Kindle Lending are neat options. If your reader buys the trade paperback, you have the option of giving them the eBook for a discount, or for free using Kindle MatchBook. Personally, I like the free option as the Trade Paperback is more expensive than the eBook to begin with, and they’ve already purchased a copy of the book. And Kindle Lending, as the name suggests, allows your reader to lend the eBook out to friends and family to widen your readership. I would suggest taking advantage of both.

    Kindle MatchBook and Book Lending

    Kindle MatchBook and Book Lending

  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Click the check box, then click Save and Publish!

    Save and Publish! OMG!

    Save and Publish! OMG!

  9. It takes a few hours to get the book to the masses. In the meantime, the book will appear under ‘In Review’ status.

    In Review status

    In Review status

  10. After the files have gone through Amazon’s pre-processing stage, you will receive an email from Amazon asking you to verify your publishing rights. Just follow the steps in the email – you will have to re-declare your publishing rights, DRM and publishing territories.

    Verify Your Publishing Rights.

    Verify Your Publishing Rights.

  11. Once the publishing rights have been verified, within 24 hours you’ll receive confirmation from Amazon that your book has been published!

    And You're Published!

    And You’re Published!

Paperback Temporarily Out Of Stock

Just a word of warning: Even though Amazon owns CreateSpace, the two platforms do not talk nicely to each other when you first publish. If after publishing, your paperback version shows up as Temporarily Out Of Stock, fear not. Once your readers order the book, it will be printed and delivered immediately, despite what Amazon says. In contacting both CreateSpace and KDP, representatives will give you excuses such as ‘high volume of demands’ or will use the nearest holiday as an excuse. All of us will experience this, so don’t worry too much. However, if you feel it’s a bother, feel free to contact KDP Support.

Temporarily... being lazy

Temporarily out of stock

Go Forth, Published Author!

Now, go forth! Just because you’ve published, don’t think the hard work is done. No sir! Now you have to promote that gem of a novel you’ve just written, not to mention expand your novel into the other eBook and Print-On-Demand platforms.

High Five!

High Five!

But that, my friends, is best left for another time.

And with that, I bid you adieu, new author. Congratulations!


Q4S Part 4: High Calibre eBooks with Calibre

In this post, we’ll do the unthinkable! We’re gonna take that huge interior file you created in Part 2 and Part 3 of this series and convert it into an eBook. All by ourselves! Did you know that the base programming language of all eBooks is HTML? Yup, the same stuff used to build websites like this blog you’re reading. But fret not! Website creation may be difficult and stress-inducing, but when it comes to creating your eBook, it’s gonna be a breeze.


Calibre is by far the best eBook creation software available free of charge. Even if you don’t know the HTML necessary to compile the interior, the necessary coding is super simple to pick up. Calibre handles the metadata, conversion and stitching together of the final book. All you have to do is tell it what to do. So let’s get started!

Importing the Interior File

  1. Open your interior file in your word processor. Save it as a”WebPage” or anything with a .html or .htm extension. The interior file must be in HTML to be convertible and editable by Calibre.

    Save as a WebPage

    Save as a WebPage

  2. Open Calibre. You may be asked to update Calibre, especially if you installed the program more than a month ago. Go ahead an update it before moving on to the next step if prompted.
  3. Once in Calibre, click the Add Books Icon and open the HTM version of the interior file you just saved. AddBooks
  4. Ensure your book is selected and click the Edit Metadata icon. EditMetadata
  5. Edit the metadata of your book, including the cover. When finished, click OK.

    The Metadata (identifying information) of your Book

    The Metadata (identifying information) of your Book

  6. Back in the Calibre main window, select your novel and click the Convert icon. ConvertBooks
  7. Choose the export format as EPUB and leave the rest of the options as is. Honestly, they’re confusing and it’s just easier to edit the HTML source. Click OK when you’re done.

    Convert to EPUB

    Convert to EPUB

  8. Now it’s time to edit the EPUB. Right-click on the book and choose Edit Book.

    Edit your Book

    Edit your Book


Scary eBook Coding. Ooooh

No really, HTML is the most basic of programming languages. It’s what the internet runs off of, so it makes sense that your eBook will run off of the same language. There’s nothing scary about it! scared_colbert

The first thing we’re going to do is a little house keeping. If you’ve organized your interior file well enough with a Table of Contents and proper section breaks and Headings, this should be a walk in the park with very little code-monkeying-around. But if you’ve missed something or need to tweek, then this section will help you make those tweeks.

Instead of trying to walk your through this process step by step, I’ll give you the tools you need to do the most basic fixes, and you will use your best judgement as to what needs to be done.

Renaming the eBook part files

When you convert your interior file to an EPUB, Calibre will break the file apart by section break and headings into part files. It can be difficult to determine which part file you are in when making changes. I recommend renaming the part files to something more recognizable, like chapter numbers.

Keep in mind that each chapter should be contained in at least one part file, as you will need the chapters separated in order to create a table of contents. If you need to break apart the part files, I’ll show you how to do that a little later. For now, you first need to get your book organized.

To rename the part files:

  1. Right click on an eBook part file and choose “Rename” to rename it.

    Rename a part file

    Rename a part file

  2. Ensure the “.htm” remains at the end of the file name when you rename it or Calibre cannot use it.
  3. Rename each of the files in your EPUB before moving on. This will make the next steps easier.

Breaking a File into Multiple Files

Calibre will also try to out-smart you and break your interior file into part files using its own dastardly means. This can often lead to chapters broken apart too many times, or not enough times. To break a file apart:

  1. Determine how many files you need to break the file into. In my case, my single file needs to be broken into 3 separate files.
  2. Create a new file in your part list by clicking the “New File” icon. Name the file, ensuring you add the “.htm” to the end of your file name.

    Create a new part file

    Create a new part file

  3. The new file will be added at the end of your part list. Drag-and-drop it into the part list where you want the file to be. Sequencing is important as this is the order in which the files will be compiled into the final eBook.
  4. Copy the style sheets from the source file into the new file in the same location.

    Copy stylesheets

    Copy stylesheets

  5. Now, we need to move the book code from the old file into the new file. To find where the code begins, double-click on the first word or icon in the preview pane of the section you want to move. Calibre will highlight the corresponding book code for you.

    Calibre highlights the starting point in yellow

    Calibre highlights the starting point in yellow

  6. Using that as the starting point, select the text you wish to move to the new file. Ensure the last html tag you select is a </p> tag.

    Find the last tag

    Find the last tag

  7. Cut this text from the source file (Ctrl+X) and paste it between the <body> tags in the new file (Ctrl+V).



  8. Repeat for each file as necessary.
  9. You may be tempted to move on to the Table of Contents at this point, but hold that thought. Instead, go through all files in your part list: you should have at least one file for each chapter and each section, such as appendices and author bio’s. Finish up this task before moving on to the Table of Contents.

Table of Contents

Formatting a TOC in an eBook with page numbers is a mess. The great thing about eBooks is that you can turn your Table of Contents into a huge list of links. This makes it easy for your readers to move between chapters without having to swipe through the book.



There are two types of TOC’s in Calibre: one is the native TOC (a TOCcreated electronically by Calibre) and an embeded TOC (a physical page in the eBook). I’ll run you through how to create both of them.

Native TOC

  1. Open the Table of Contents editor.

    TOC Editor

    TOC Editor

  2. If you’re missing an item in your TOC, click on “Create New Entry”.

    Add an Item

    Add an Item

  3. Choose the file where you want your TOC entry to point and give it a name.TOC3
  4. Continue this process to build your TOC.

Embeded TOC

  1. If you haven’t done so already, create a part file for the TOC.

    TOC part file

    TOC part file

  2. If the TOC is not created, add the listing of chapters and book sections to the part file.
  3. For each item in the TOC, surround the text of the chapter with anchor links as such:
    <a href=”filename.html“>Chapter Text</a>

    Adding an anchor link

    Adding an anchor link

  4. Continue for each item in your TOC

Pretty up the code

Calibre has several tools to help you check for unused images, styles and other files. This helps ‘beautify’ the files (yes, beautify is a word) and makes them perform quicker for the user. This also reduced the errors that may be encountered in your eBook.

  1. Remove unused styles, fix HTM and pretty up the book by running each of these tools from the Tools menu. This will help you clean up the EPUB and make it less prone to errors in parsing by Amazon and Kindle.

    See? Beautify is a word!

    See? Beautify is a word!

  2. Next, from the tools menu, click on ‘Check Book’ to check the code for errors.CheckBook
  3. This will show you unused files and any glaring errors in the book which may make it not function properly in eBook readers. You can ignore CSS Property errors, but I would suggest deleting any unused image files as you have a file limit when uploading to Kindle Direct Publishing.

    Errors in my Book

    Errors in my Book

Minor Tweeks

Sometimes you just need to do some minor editing, such as centering text or creating a link to your website. Here are some quick how-to’s

Centering Text

Surround the text you want to centre with the tags <center> </center>

Adding a Website Link

Surround the text you want to set as the clickable link with <a href=”WebsiteURLGoesHere”>Link Text Goes Here < /a>

Saving the EPUB

Now that you’ve edited your eBook, it’s time to save it so you can upload it to Amazon! To save the EPUB:

  1. In Calibre, choose File –> Save a Copy and save your EPUB. We will use this file in the next post when we finally finish the publishing process and publish our book on Amazon!

    Save the EPUB

    Save the EPUB

In the Next Post . . .

It’s here! The final step of the publishing process! In the next post, we’ll take the EPUB we just created, plug it into Amazon and rule the world! Mwa-ha-ha! And maybe we’ll publish a book along the way.DrEvil1

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