Oh no, it’s nothing nefarious . . . unless you count not writing as nefarious. This summer was all about finding ways to lower my stress levels and keep my head on straight.

Many pictures of birds were taken during this time, like this chickadee (my favourite bird!). It was about the only thing us Canucks in this part of the country could do. The weather sure wasn’t helping.

This summer was not a summer. We ‘enjoyed’ too much rain, cold weather, and plain-old crappy weekends. The first snows of winter came a full month early, and we got a wallop.

This year we spent most of our days below seasonal and barely reached what I would consider “hot” weather. On those rare weekends the sun poked through endless clouds and warmed the air enough we didn’t need touques, we migrated to the mountains.

There’s nothing like the smell of the Rockies in the summertime, and nothing more magical than a walk along the river. It’s like being in a whole ‘nother world.

The only positives to all the weather upset this year were the beautiful clouds.

Oh, and the morning fog on the pond.

At least the colours welcoming autumn were lovely.

Although Boo was unimpressed.

We’ll see what the winter throws at us this year. Until then, it’s time to plan for NaNoWriMo and keep my head above water!
– Rissa
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