Not much, just clouds. Because apparently I take a lot of pictures of clouds.

And I haven’t posted in forever, so . . .

Cirrus clouds, little whispy guys that just hang out when it’s warm.
The haze of altocumulus clouds over the neighbourhood playground.
Mammatus clouds, the acne of thunderstorms.
Dunno, really. I think it’s a nimbostratus cloud, but it’s still cool.
A unique phenomenon in my area of Canada: a chinook
A couple pictures of a typical chinook arch at sunset.
Altocumulus undulatus clouds, like waves in the sand.
The underbelly of a large cumulus cloud at sunset.
The chemtrail of a passing airliner.
An approaching cumulonimbus thunderhead creeping in to Kemah Boardwalk in Texas.
A roll cloud rollin’ in!
A cold core funnel cloud (the fluffy puppy of tornadoes) trailing a thunderstorm.
Quick snap of an actual funnel cloud from my office building before we were ordered to the basement to seek shelter.
A sundog.
And the pièce de résistance … altostratus clouds reflecting off Sandakan Bay at low tide, from my mum-in-law’s back deck in the water village of Sim-Sim, Sandakan in Sabah (Malaysia).