Well, March came in like a lion… but out like a jerk. Snow, frigid weather, nasty windchills. Like, what the heck Mother Nature? Yeah, we may be confined to the neighbourhood, but I still have to walk my dog! Instead of the hoodies and jeans I should be wearing, I’m still donning snow pants and my ski jacket. Brrr!

Why, Mother Nature? WHY!

This week has been, well, weird. After being in COVID-19 isolation for three weeks now, I thought I’d start to get used to being cooped up in the house, but the cabin fever has been worse than ever this week. One day, I laid out on the bonus room floor to plan my April bullet journal. Another day, I organized my nail polish collection. I’ve dusted the ceiling fan. I’ve probably eaten my body weight in Jello pudding and drank a gallon of coffee a day.

Can I help do a plan?

In a nut shell, I’m going nucking futz!

Even my House Hippo is getting cabin fever.

A piece of Canadiana: the House Hippo

And I’m hearing that this may be the new norm until at least July. That’s another three months. By that time, I’m probably going to be sitting in a corner singing French show tunes while I braid my cat’s hair.

Try it. I dare you.

Ottawa is suggesting we wear masks, now, but finding them is a literal needle-in-a-haystack exercise. So, I made some myself. A quick Google search came back with a pattern. Some miscellaneous fabric and my decades-old sewing machine later, and I had a couple of face masks.

I also had lots of scraps for my House Hippo to use as bedding.

Hopefully next week will be less snow-covered and less COVID-19-infested. Although we hit the grim milestone of over 1 million people infected, there’s hope on the horizon.

Until then, I will continue to stay inside, forget what day it is, and wonder where I’ve put my phone after coming back from walkies.

My phone’s boring. Here’s a snow-covered bird feeder instead.

Stay well, everyone.

– Rissa