Shortly before we moved house (and moved provinces), our dear Boo passed away. She was with us for ten years and warmed our house in Calgary, warmed our laps on those cold winter days, and warmed our hearts with her inability to properly meow.

I think the loss of Boo affected Mochi the most. Although they weren’t the best of friends, Boo was a companion and kept Mochi company. Throw in a pandemic move to another province and nine months in a tiny apartment, Mochi needed a friend.

Enter: the local SPCA and two adorable furballs. Ramen and Udon (as named by the foster mum, so the names just stuck) caught our eyes and captured our hearts. Not much is known about them other than that they’re part of a bigger litter.

Ramen is the bigger cat and has a white stripe down his nose. As cats go, he’s normal on the surface. However, he seems to either get lost often, or he can’t find his brother, and he’ll start howling. It’s awesome at 3AM, and by awesome I mean annoying af.

Then there’s Udon. My suspicion is he was the last kitten born, and perhaps had a bit of a difficult birth. He’s small compared to his brother, and he’s . . . well . . . let’s just say he’s special.
He sleeps sitting up, he tries to fight his own reflection, patio doors are magical barriers that he constantly runs into, and bathroom rugs are the most amazing playtoys. Not to mention no toes are safe in his presence. Also awesome at 3AM.

Ramen cuddles, Udon doesn’t. Ramen hates kisses, Udon gives kitty kisses like they’re going out of style. Ramen doesn’t like Mochi, but Udon sees Mochi as his best friend. The two couldn’t be more different.

The house somehow feels complete now–three humans, three furbabies.
Here’s to the next ten years, and hopefully more, of a house full of hair, toys, and lots of love.
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