Author of Teen Paranormal Fiction

Tag: health

I tried but June sucked

Soooo . . . I had this great plan for June. I was going to write up a storm, I was going to post here, there, and everywhere. I was going to make blazing progress in all my WIP’s. And then ‘it’ happened.


(It takes talent to contract pneumonia in the middle of summer, but I’ve never been one to follow the rules.)

At least I had company while sick

Within 24-hours I went from my normal, snark-laden self to being bedridden and unable to walk up a flight of stairs without wheezing for air. I’ve never fallen ill so quickly and so aggressively. It was kinda scary. Pneumonia is no laughing matter, especially for me. I lost both my grandfathers to pneumonia.

I spent a week in bed or within close proximity to bed, relegated to the top floor of my home since stairs became my mortal enemy. Doc started me on a course of antibiotics, but it seemed like they did nothing to help. A week later, I was still deathly ill, perhaps even ill-er (is that a word?), but now with a new complication to add to my resume.


Think of pleurisy as like having blisters on your lungs. It hurt like the ever-loving crap just to breathe. In order to get over my pneumonia, I had to cough up the crap in my lungs in order to get better, but couldn’t do so because breathing hurt and coughing was agony. So I was in a nasty pickle.

Another week on the couch (I managed to upgrade from being bed-ridden), a second course of antibiotics, and some groovy pain killers later I was finally able to move around enough so that I could get out of the house and walk around. I lost a lot of weight in those two weeks (my BMI dropped below 19). Although I could move around, I couldn’t stand for more than ten minutes, and walking for more than a few minutes was right out of the question.

You know what else was right out of the question? Sitting up and typing! Even on the couch, I could only sit sideways and lean on one side in order to take pressure off my lungs. I could jot notes in my notebooks, but positioning either the laptop or my tablet to type was a challenge I couldn’t conquer.

Boo also got lots of rest

I’m now into my 3rd week with pneumonia. I still have crackling in my lungs, and the pleurisy hasn’t subsided completely. That, and I kinda think I’ve cracked a rib due to all the coughing. Doc wants me to wait another week until I’m scheduled for more x-rays to see if the pneumonia has buggered off before she will look into my ribs. There’s nothing that can be done for a cracked rib other than to take it easy, which I’ve become an expert at these past three weeks.

I’m well enough that I’m allowed to go to work, but not allowed to do much else. No exercise, no outdoor activities (though I’ve snuck in a bit of light gardening), no lifting, no strain . . . basically no fun.

Sitting with my back flat against something is still uncomfortable. I still can’t cough unless I contort myself into an odd position where I won’t aggravate my lungs, but it’s caused me to pull a few muscles in my back. I’m just a mess.

So my grand plan for June is being put on hold. Even July is lookin’ kinda sketchy. We’ll see what happens.

I’m slowly picking back up and have been able to sit down and type in my corner of the universe at home (aka my couch), as long as I have half a dozen pillows to prop me up. My energy and appetite is slowly coming back, and I’m getting my personality back. Pretty soon I’ll be able to chase my cat around the house, nag the boys to clean up after themselves, and take my weekly walk to the corner store.

But for now, I’m still on rest, rest, and more rest. And maybe a chocolate bar. Man, I really want a chocolate bar.

Stay healthy, everyone!

Blizzards and Ocular Migraines

A couple days ago I had my trippy psychedelic experience while discussing application support with a team mate at work. Although I’ve experienced nothing since, I still kept my appointment with my optometrist to make sure there’s nothing wrong with my eyes. Dr. Google pointed me towards the direction of ocular migraines, so it was time to see if the world’s most cheeky search engine knew it’s stuff or not.

Did someone say cheeky?

Yesterday, we had Blizzard #1. 35 cm (just a tad over a foot of snow) fell on the city over the course of a day. Although the city had to shut down the major north/south highway for 8 hours, and the main highway heading west for a couple of hours, the weather made for some nice photos. I’m not looking forward to shovelling the drive once all this stuff stops.

The day of my appointment rolls around. We hop in the car, slip-slide our way in, and the menfolk grab a drink while I get on with my appointment.

I sit down in the big comfy chair and regale my doc about my symptoms. The more I talk, the more she smiles. When I’m done telling my story, I follow up with “You look like you already have an answer for me.”

Yes, indeed. My Lucy-In-The-Sky-With-Diamonds experiences are ocular migraines. Since neither a headache nor a migraine followed either attack, I’m apparently one of the “lucky” 30% of migraine suffers who will just trip out and loose partial vision for an hour before the hallucinations dissolve within seconds without a trace.

Lucky, you say?

She advises me that should such an attack happen behind the wheel of a car, I’m advised to pull over immediately and just ride it out. Not comforting news, but she continues still. The diagnosis is followed up with symptoms to watch for in the event of a retinal detachment, which can apparently be mistaken for ocular migraines.

Though I’m happy to know my eyes are fine, I’m still left a bit skittish by the other pieces of information she’s given me.

So, is this what growing old is like? You’ll get crazy hallucinations, it may affect your driving, but oh make sure to mind your eyeballs just coming completely unglued.

We get back home in time for Blizzard #2 to hit. And this JUST after we’ve finished shovelling the drive. Only 10-15 cm (4-6 inches), but still. My poor back can’t take two shovellings in one day.

I don’t want to shovel any more!

Guess that’s another sign of growing old.

Tonight will be a warm night, cozied up on the couch watching TV.

I can’t wait until spring.

I am so done with winter.

Attack of the Psychedelic Hallucinations

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Lately, I’ve been having troubles with my eyes. Turning 40 took a toll on my immune system, metabolism, and also my eyesight. Although I needed only a small prescription, +1.00 in each eye, getting glasses really made me feel my age. I hoped that was the last of it. I’d have to change up my exercise and eating regiment, but so far, this getting old thing wasn’t so bad.

The next month came around. I sat in bed watching the news one Saturday morning when I started seeing things. The centre of my field of vision went white, outlined by an undulating black line. I thought perhaps I had glanced at something really bright and I had a light burn in my vision.

The longer I watched TV, the worse it got, so I turned off the TV and went back to bed. The vision issue kept up when I closed my eyes. In the dark, the blob of white slowly turned to an undulating or pulsing rainbow light, like TV snow but rainbow coloured. I thought something bad was definitely happening so I got up, opened up my laptop, and brought up Photoshop. I took an account of where my field of vision had been lost.

At this point, my son woke up and wanted breakfast. I became immediately distracted in making breakfast. By the time I thought to do something about my eyesight, the event had passed.

I chalked it up to stress and a poor night’s sleep, and went about my day.

Fast forward three months to yesterday.

A team member came to ask me about work-related issues. As I looked at her, I noticed a white splotch blotted out much of her face.

Level 1

Here, The Boo stands in for my team member in re-enacting the attack.

I thought I had perhaps glanced at the sun shining bright outside my office window and put it aside. When the conversation finished, I turned to my computer and open an email. I was stunned at what I found.

I suddenly couldn’t read.

The white blob took up the centre of my vision. Closing one eye or the other brought no relief. The white blob had a black border that crackled like electricity.

Again, I thought I had just glanced at the sun. I turned to look out my office window to find an overcast and cloudy day. The fluorescent lighting is shaded, so it couldn’t have caused this light burn I’m seeing.

A few minutes later, I turn back to my computer. Lo and behold, I can read again! However, the white blob had turned psychedelic and moved a little bit to the left. It’s now a fat streak through my vision. I close my eyes, it’s still there. I close one eye or another, it’s still there.

Level 2

This might have been a pretty cool phenomenon, had I not been freaking out at the time.

Panicked, I grab my cell and close the door. I call up my optometrist to see about an emergency visit, but all the doctors are out for the day. Instead of making an appointment, I hang up. I turn around and knock everything off of the left side of my desk. Picture one of those comedy moves in the movies where they just use their arm to clear off a table or something.

Now, my left-hand peripheral vision is absolutely gone. It’s similar to closing your left eye. I just can’t see left anymore. Instead, there’s an acid-trip-like rainbow blob churning and flashing where my left peripheral vision used to be.

Level 3

Like one of those pictures where, if you stare long enough, an object appears.

I’m now feeling nauseous, whether it’s from the panic or the attack of whatever I’m having. I silently freak out in my office while I call up my optometrist again. There, I speak to the receptionist and make an appointment. As I’m studdering a little on the phone, she asks me what I’m seeing.

The more and more I talk, the more and more the attack starts to fade. Within 30-45 seconds while I’m on the phone, it’s gone and I’m able to see perfectly clear again. As the receptionist and I speak, she tells me. “Don’t worry. I think what’s happened is you’ve just suffered an ocular migraine.” I do a quick Google search and bam! That’s exactly what I just saw.

She calms me down and we make a ‘just in case’ appointment for Sunday.

As I get off the phone and frantically text my husband about what just happened, it dawns on me that I’ve had this experience before: my earlier account of sitting in bed and seeing a rainbow spot.

For the rest of the day, I pay close attention to my head. Other than a brief span of 10-20 seconds of sharp, stabbing pain behind one eye, nothing else happens.

According to Dr. Google, the scientific term is scintillating scotomas (try saying that five times fast). Other than reading up on a few different varieties of the ocular migraine, I stay away from Dr. Google as much as I can and go about the evening. That includes bothering my cat with my phone-camera-paparazzi skilz.

Perhaps if I blend in with the couch and wood floors, she can’t see me.

We’ll see how the appointment on Sunday goes.

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